medical malpractice

Medical Malpractice remains one of the leading causes of serious injuries and deaths in this country.  Whether you or a family member are the victim of a misdiagnosis, administration of contraindicated medication, improper surgical technique, retained surgical material, etc… (the list of medical malpractice cases is broad), you may have a case against the doctor, hospital and/or medical facility where you were injured.

Medical malpractice cases are usually complex and require the assistance of an expert doctor who specializes in the relevant field from an early stage in the case.  For this reason, careful analysis must go into every potential medical malpractice case to ensure it is meritorious.  We work with lawyers who are considered leaders in the field of medical malpractice and who have obtained millions of dollars for individuals injured by the negligence of doctors, hospitals and/or medical facilities.

If you, a loved one or a member of your community has been injured due the negligence of a doctor, hospital or medical facility, please do not hesitate to call FARELLA MASCOLO PLLC at 212-287-1277 for a free consultation.

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